What objection do you hate most in biz?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Working at home on the beach!

Well I arrived at my desination. I own a second home by the lake. A cottage you might say but I love it. It takes 6 hours to get here, but since I work at home, I can stay for weeks at a time.

I had a woman at the rest stop ask me about the sign on my car. She said she has heard of us and was seeking information on starting a home business selling widgets. She seems to really love widgets. She will do well. We set an appointment for me to call her today.

When I arrived last night I unpacked the car, had a few glasses of wine and hit the sack.

Upon awakening, I dug out my sexiest bathing suit and braided the hair (hey ya never know!). I put on the original Boynka necklace and bracelet that my 4th husband, Old Man Huntington bought me on our trip to Oxacana. My beach bag is packed full of brochures, order forms for starter kits and flyers. I'm off to the beach as soon as I'm done here. I need to first post my ads, check my emails and check in on my social networking sites like cafe mom , New York WAHMS, and Come On Home .

Tomorrow they are having a flea market of sorts down by the water. I am planning on setting up a booth for my widgets. They are hot items here on the beach.

I tried to call the woman that I spoke to at the rest stop yesterday. Bum number! What is wrong with people that they lie? I'm sure she was turned off the minute I mentioned the $50.00 marketing kit that must be purchased in order to start a home business with us. I have to laugh- she went on and on about how much she wanted to change her life. How she's tired of living pay check to pay check. And then she lets the thought of a $50.00 marketing kit (which is chock-full of sample widgets!) blow her dreams. People like that will never progress in life. And they will continue to whine like a new born about their situation!

Well, I must finish my work then get to the beach to check out the men- I mean to prospect for future widget sellers. I LOVE working at home! Everyone should try it!

Toodle- loo!

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