The Kids from the Tent: Selena, Dev, Harper & Spike
I took the day off from "spring" cleaning to work my business today. I am very distressed about a new member on my team. She signed up to become a rep with us a week or so ago. She paid her kit fee and was so excited. Just about every woman in her family needed a widget. Widgets had been in short supply in her area in the recent past. She had a gold mine in her own hometown!
The day after she started, I called her to go over a little bit of the training. She was ready to go! The day after that, it was like she went into the Witness Protection Program or something. Yep, she went WPP on me! I have been unable to reach her since.
I know, common sense tells me she just decided (for whatever reason) that maybe selling widgets wasn't such a good idea. Most likely a dream stealer- her husband or kids - shed a shadow of doubt over her. Her self-confidence and her dreams were probably not strong enough. She doesn't believe she can succeed.
What I would like to ask these people that spend money to join something, then quit without even trying is this: What else have you got going for you? It's so sad. They will stay stuck in the rut they are in. AND they probably bad-mouth the company they joined. Most likely they will snarl, " I never made a penny with them!" Well, of course you didn't, you never even opened the marketing kit! You never did the training! Tell the people the truth!
Is it the company, or you?
Ok, enough of that. What is , is. What will be, will be!
I must admit I felt better about the world after I found this old sundress packed away in a box downstairs. This dress is so cheery, I always feel happy when I wear it. i'm sure you can see why!

Ain't it just devine, my darlings?
End note: Selena, Dev & Harper are compliments of my 11 yr. old daughter